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The Tithe Map gives a snap shot of the village as it was in 1843.

The Tithe was a system where a person gave 10% of their income or crops to the church or those lay people who had the rights to receive the former monastery tithes.

In the early years of Victoria’s reign the government undertook a vast land survey of England and Wales to cover the majority of these two countries between 1837 and the mid 1850s. The authorities used the information to create apportionment books which detailed the plots of land owned and occupied by all levels of society. These schedules were then linked to very detailed maps to identify where the plot was.

On this page you can see a flipbook containing a scan of the original document, and below that the information displayed in a searchable Google Docs spreadsheet.

To see the Tythe Map itself, follow this link.


zoom and home icons.jpg
The spreadsheet below contains all the information from the document above - to search the document, click on EDIT in the tool bar, then on FIND AND REPLACE. Enter the term you want to search for , and make sure that next to SEARCH you have selected ALL SHEETS. Finally press FIND and the first instance of the term you are looking for will be highlighted. If you want to open a full screen version, click here  


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